Hybrid event

Provide information with high impact
to ensure visitor satisfaction

Hybrid events are a marketing and promotion model that involves
setting up virtual events and showrooms as Internet venues
in addition to physical events.

Features of hybrid event

Approaching the whole country and the world

Participants are increasing because we can approach the event venue, the whole country, and the whole world.

Efficient list acquisition


At virtual event, visitors can be guided to the booth, so it is possible to obtain an efficient list.

Behavior history visualization of interests

At the virtual event, you can check the detailed behavior history of the visitors in the online report, so you can visualize the interests of each person.

Physical virtualRegistration cooperation

List management is easy because physical and virtual registration sites can be linked.

Participant benefits

・ Even if you live far away or cannot attend a physical event due to schedule constraints, you can supplement it with a virtual event.
・ You can watch the lecture you wanted to see again at a virtual event or go around the booth.
・ Materials that tend to be bulky can also be downloaded and obtained as data at virtual event.

Case studies

Trend Micro Corporation

Trend Micro's annual physical event security conference "Trend Micro DIRECTION, A virtual event was held at the same time under the title of "Trend Micro DIRECTION & DIRECTION Virtual EXPO" (November 14th to December 20th, 2013), and a hybrid event was held.

By co-sponsoring a virtual event, the number of participants increased by 20% compared to 2012, when only physical events were held. There are many pre-registered people from rural areas, and the percentage of regular pre-registered people from outside Tokyo was 24%, while the number of applications for virtual event only increased to 49%. In addition, the average number of exhibitors on the list was about 20 in 2012, when they exhibited at physical event venues, but in 2013, when they exhibited at virtual venues, they averaged 187 (maximum). 371 cases), an increase of about 9 times.

CEATEC JAPAN 2014 Material Download Center / CEATEC JAPAN Implementation Council

The virtual showroom "CEATEC JAPAN 2014 Material Download Center" (October 7th to November 6th, 2014) for the comprehensive exhibition of IT and electronics "CEATEC JAPAN 2014" (October 7th to 11th, 2014) has been opened. This is a showroom where you can watch videos of exhibiting companies' booths and download materials.
In the material download center, materials are stored together in each exhibition area.
You can browse and download the materials of exhibiting companies on the Web.

You can watch videos of product explanations and booth introductions by the person in charge of the exhibiting company.

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