for recruitment

Articles produced/edited by the media editorials
can effectively approach the hiring target group

[Recommended for these people below]

Having concern that the current measures can properly approach the hiring target group that you want to appeal to.

I'm having a problem with recruitment branding because I can't fully convey the appeal of the company.

Using a recruitment site, but the its activities cannot produce good results.

ITmedia NEWS's focused corner, "SaaS Business Laboratory," is
now attracting IT engineers who want to work or change jobs at SaaS companies.


Ideal for recruiting
approaches to engineers

  • It is said that only 10% of the total exists in the job change market.
  • By reaching out to the remaining 90% of potential job seekers, you can expand the base of your recruiting activities.
  • 40% of @IT's readers are in their 20s and 30s, and about 70% of our readers are employed in engineering.
  • You can reach out to people with high affinity for digital/DX jobs (data scientists, manufacturing engineers, consultants)

Interviewing and editing
skills that bring out your
charm that has not been
fully presented.

  • Advertorials are written by writers after interviews are conducted by our editorial team of specialized media.
  • We can introduce your company in an attractive way from the perspective of our editorial department, which operates specialized media for IT engineers.
  • The resulting content has been well received by clients, who say that it brings out the appeal of the company from an objective perspective, which is difficult for them to notice on their own.

It is possible to know
the attitude change by
the questionnaire after

  • Along with the production / posting of advertorial, it is possible to conduct a post-reading questionnaire as an option.
  • Investigate how readers who read the article changed their attitude before and after reading
  • By conducting a survey, you can quantitatively understand the increased interest in your company as a result of reading the article.


You can actually see the recruitment advertorial article that we have produced in the past. *Click the image to jump to the article.

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