About the service menu

About the type of advertisement

What kind of ads can be placed on ITmedia Inc.? Also, I would like to place an advertisement. Can I consult with you?

IT ITmedia Inc. publishes various web media, services, and mail services according to marketing and promotion issues such as prospect list acquisition, article content production, and display advertising, and target groups, and various advertising menus corresponding to each. Is available.
It doesn't matter if you don't have a specific plan such as the medium you are interested in or the promotion period.This formPlease feel free to contact us.

I would like to hold a seminar. Can you plan and manage?

さらに、開催後にはレポート掲載することで、イベントやセミナー終了後も製品・サービスをアピールできます。オプションで、さらなる新規見込み顧客リストの獲得も可能です。This formPlease feel free to contact us.

Is it possible to develop advertisements for overseas markets?

It is possible with EE Times and EDN. Please let the sales representative know when consideringThis formPlease feel free to contact us.

I am considering placing an advertisement. I would like to know the special features and projects that are linked.

For future plans, see "Advertising planning / event planning schedule list""Special feature / Campaign information"please look at. We can also create advertising plans that meet the needs of our customers, so please consult with your sales representative.This formPlease contact us more.

Consultation for advertising placement

I'm considering advertising on ITmedia Inc. May I request information of the ad plan?If I decide to publish, what kind of procedure should I apply for and submit?

FirstThis formcontact us from. I would like to explain in detail from the sales staff in charge. In addition, regarding the procedure after the placement is decided,This pagePlease confirm.

Consultation on advertising measures

I would like to know about an effective advertising method.

We can guide you to effective advertising methods depending on the situation, such as your marketing issues and the products and services you want to focus on. We will share information for free, soThis formよりお申し込みください。

About English version materials

Where can I get the latest English media guide?

this pageYou can download it from. If you would like other materials,This formcontact us from.

About the survey

I would like to conduct market research. What kind of products and plans do you have?

There is a product called "ITmedia Inc. Custom Research" that enables us to independently conduct original research that responds to various marketing issues such as product acceptance in the market and comparison with competitors. We can deliver the “live voice” of readers who are difficult to sample with ordinary market research. It can be customized according to diversifying customer needs, such as questionnaires linked to article planning and independent surveys.
If you wish,This formcontact us from.

About our strengths

What are your strengths when compared to competing media?

当社は、国内最大級インターネット専業メディアとして月間4億PV、月間6700万UB、月間8300本以上の記事を日々配信しており、信頼ある報道機関として高いメディアパワーを維持しております。広告プロモーションについては、貴社のターゲットや目的に応じた多岐にわたるサービスを展開しております。中でも見込み客情報獲得(リードジェネレーション)サービスThe high quality of the information has been well received. also,virtual event and exhibitionsといった、デジタルマーケティングプラットフォームのご提供も行っております。

About special features and projects

What is the article project "Special"?

It is a general term for ITmedia Inc./ tie-up projects in which ITmedia's specialized editorial staff finishes your products and services in the style of edited articles. Focusing on the guidance frame dedicated to article planning, we will formulate a guidance menu that combines various ITmedia Inc., text ads, e-mail magazines, etc. by utilizing the many site characteristics of ITmedia, and efficiently guide readers to the article planning page. ..
For more information,This pageDo you seeThis formPlease contact us more.

Can I get information about campaigns and seminars?

Useful information e-mail newsletterIf you register with us, we will send you information on an irregular basis. Please use it.

About advertising

About various samples

Please give me a sample of e-mail newsletter and banner.

This is a sample of the banner and e-mail newsletter for the seminars we held in the past.
For other requests, please consult with your sales representative.This formPlease contact us more.

About the case

Please tell us an example of an e-mail newsletter with a good click-through rate (CTR).

It is generally said that you should pay attention to the following points.
1) Put the URL in the first view 2) If the text is long, put the URL in the middle or below 3) Write the merit concretely 4) Use easy-to-understand, straightforward expressions 5) Use figures to increase reliability 6) Please consult with your sales representative for specific content such as inserting sentences that stimulate the desire to acquire new knowledge.

About the publication start date and time

Is it possible to start posting various advertisements at any time?

Normally, you can start on any date on weekdays. There is also a period for content production and campaign preparation, so if you have a desired date, please contact your sales representative in advance.

How many business days does the article project "Special" take from coverage to publication?

It usually takes about 20 business days.

What is the start time and end time of the ad placement start date?

As a general rule, advertisements that are posted by paying a fee for a certain fixed period or number of impressions such as banners will start posting at midnight and will end at 24:00 (JST) on the posting end date. Guidance frames and article pages such as article planning "Special" may differ in time zone from daytime on business days. Please note.

About video insertion

Can I insert a video into the advertorial article ?

Yes. However, please note that the video itself cannot be hosted.

Exclusion of competitors

Is it possible to prevent the posted white paper from being downloaded by competitors or group companies?

White papers cannot be hidden from specific companies or their downloads cannot be refused. However, if you are offering a guaranteed number of prospective customers at lead generation service, you can exclude specific companies from the potential customers (leads) you provide.

About agency margin

What is the agency margin rate?

It depends on the menu offered, socontact formorEmailcontact us at.

About guidance

If we post a whitepaper on your site, how often can you provide guidance to the audience?

If we guarantee the number of potential customers (leads) we will manage the campaign until the guaranteed number is reached, so we do not provide frequency information. If we guarantee the posting period, we will run the ad up to two times during that period.

About third party delivery

Is it possible to deliver banner ads to third parties?

Yes. However, it is necessary to confirm the tag before implementation, so please consult with your sales representative.

About downloading the prospect list

When will the information of the prospect list that downloaded the white paper be downloaded?

You can download it from the dedicated site at any time. In addition, if there is newly acquired prospect information (lead), the person in charge will be notified by e-mail.

Assumed effect

What is the expected click-through rate (CTR) for banner ads to be posted?

It depends on the medium (media) to be posted, the content, the advertising menu, the plan, etc. First of all, do you have to consult with the sales staff in charge of your request?This formPlease contact us more.

I am considering publishing an advertorial content. What is the transition rate to external links?

It depends on the media posted. We can provide you with the latest estimated click-through rate (CTR), so please consult with your sales representative.This formPlease contact us after specifying the media you want to publish.

What is the average number of page views (PV) for the advertorial content?

It depends on the media and content to be posted. We can inform you about the latest average number of page views (PV), so please consult with your sales representative orThis formPlease contact us after specifying the media you want to publish.
The PV of the entire media is this pageYou can check at.

About effect measurement

Is it possible to put a tag for effect measurement in the article project "Special"?

Confirmation is required before implementation, so please prepare a test tag and consult with your sales representative.

Do you provide the information about the e-mail open rate and the number of clicks on each link?

Unfortunately, the e-mail open rate is not measured. We report the number of link clicks and click rate in the email.

About free space

How can we know if the space of banner advertisement and/or e-mail advertisement is available?

Please inform the sales staff of the media, menu (email, banner, etc.), implementation period, budget, etc. I would like to explain in more detail. If you do not know the sales person in charge,This formcontact us from.

About payment

Can you directly communicate with the overseas headquarters about advertising fees? It is possible to trade in US dollars?

We can handle it. Please inform the sales representative of your overseas contact information.

About advertising manuscript

About banner production

Is it possible to ask ITmedia Inc. to produce a banner?

We usually ask our customer to prepare a banner by yourself.

About the deadline

When is the submission deadline for manuscripts?

For web advertisements, please submit the manuscript by 6:00 p.m., three business days prior to the start date of publication (ten business days about the third-party delivery and a welcome screen). For e-mail advertisement, please submit it by 6:00 p.m., three business days prior to the delivery date.

About the use of articles

Please tell me about the secondary use of edited articles.

In principle, in order to reprint or use content such as our articles, images, sounds, and videos, it is necessary to obtain our permission in advance. "About the use of contentsPlease readThis formPlease apply from.

Please tell us about the secondary use of the advertorial contens.

You can use it free of charge on your own company website after contacting our sales representative in advance.
If you wish to use this information in printed materials or change the content of the article (including translation), please contact our sales representative.

Please tell me about the secondary use when requesting the production of a white paper.

It is free to use, but we ask that you refrain from publishing it in other media.
If you wish to use the content in printed materials or change the content of the article (including translation), please contact our sales representative. Please note that if additional delivery formats are required, additional fees may apply.

ITmedia Media & Services Overview
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