Marketing DX solutions by industry, business sector, and region

What is the Industry DX Partnership?

ITmedia Inc. have been delivering IT and DX information for a quarter century since the dawn of web media, and by teaming up with specialized media that has continued to support the Japanese economy by providing industry-specific information to professional readers, we will promote DX in the industrial sector by building a partnership that leverages each other's strengths.
This will enable us to meet the needs of IT companies developing DX solutions for various industries.

Issues faced by IT companies developing DX solutions

Target layer

 I want to acquire leads by industry/sector

We want to improve our presence in each industry.

 I want to hold a hybrid seminar in a rural area.


Specialized media is mostly paper-based, making it difficult to develop digital marketing

We will solve your marketing problems by industry, business sector, and region through a partnership that leverages each other's strengths.

Resolving issues in various industries through industrial DX partnerships

With the partnership with specialized media, we will implement various collaborative initiatives under the theme of "Industry x DX"

Industrial DX Partnerships in Video

About the Industry DX Partnership

Why partner with industry media?

Inquire about services
ITmedia Media & Services Overview