Special Events and Campaigns

Online Exhibitions/Sponsored Webinars


Physical event: Nov. 15 (Fri.), 2024

Online seminar: Dec. 6 (Fri.), 2024

Number of pre-registrants:

Estimated 300

•Shortage of labor/labor saving • Improved operational efficiency and productivity • AI utilization (generative AI/chatbot/embedded AI) • Cyber security • Communication/EX improvement • Marketing / CX Improvement / CRM • Accounting & Finance DX/ERP/ESG investment • Modernization/de-legacy • No-code/low-code development • Technical hand down/video manual/reskilling • New Silicon Island • Carbon-neutral • Factory

DX/Smart Factory/IoT

Date: Dec. 4 (Wed.), 2024 – Dec. 6 (Fri.), 2024

Number of pre-registrants:

Estimated 400


Zone 1: Prerequisites for Cloud Native practice

Zone 2: Database

Zone 3: Cloud Security

Zone 4: DevSecOps

Zone 5: Development and Operation

Security Week 2024 Autumn

Nov. 25 (Mon.) ,2024– Dec. 2 (Mon.), 2024

Number of pre-registrants:

Estimated 1,000

Section 1: Cyber security risk and management

Section 2: Zero Trust Security

Section 3: Cloud Security

Section 4-1: IT asset management

Section 4-2: Attack Surface management

Section 5-1: Rechecking attack paths (Attack cases)

Section 5-2: Attack recovery

Section 6-1: Security operations automation

Section 6-2: Managed Services

@IT NETWORK Live Week 2024 Autumn
Date: Oct. 28(Mon.), 2024 – Oct. 29 (Tue.), 2024 

Number of pre-registrants:

Estimated 700


• SD-WAN for global companies

• Malware protection for internal networks

• SASE has a future beyond the present

ITmedia Security Week 2024 夏
Date: Aug. 26(Mon.),2024 – Sep. 2(Mon.),2024

Number of pre-registrants:

Estimated 1,000

1. Cybersecurity Risk and Management

2-1. Zero Trust Security

2-2. Attack Surface Management

2-3. ID management and control starting with multi-factor authentication

3. Cloud Security

4. Endpoint protection & information management

5. Resilience against ransomware

6-1. Security operations (automation)

6-2. Security operations (managed services)

Let's Look Ahead to the Future Where IT and OT are Combined
Date: Sept. 18 (Wed.), 2024 

Number of pre-registrants:

Estimated 300
Theme: Risks and Solutions that IT Departments in the Manufacturing Industry Need to Know Now
Date: Sept. 11(Wed.), 2024 – Sept. 13(Fri.), 2024 

Number of pre-registrants:

Estimated 400

・How to get started with Cloud Native Databases



・Development & Operations

MONOist DX Forum 2024
Date: Dec. 11 (Wed.), 2024 -Dec. 13 (Fri.), 2024

Number of pre-registrants:

Estimated 500

1. How to get started with cloud native

2.What is a cloud-native database?




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